5.5 india pale ale 0.33l an intergalactic ipa brewed with huge amounts of citra and mosaic. contains barley, wheat, oats. shipping within estonia only. kosmos is a ipa new england style beer brewed by phjala brewery in tallinn, estonia. score 88 with 11 ratings and reviews. last update 02152021. phjala kosmos. httpsshop.pohjalabeer.comenhome. brewed by phjala brewery style ipa tallinn, estonia. founded in 2011 by four estonian beer enthusiasts, phjala are now the largest craft brewery from the baltic countries. phjala kosmos ne ipa. phjala 25,00. an intergalactic ipa brewed with huge amounts of citra and mosaic. 5.5 vol. estonia. ipa new englan
. 33 cl. 1. kosmos 5.5 india pale ale. an intergalactic ipa brewed with huge amounts of citra and mosaic. taste sweet hops dominate, with a light malt backbone underneath. tropical fruits and fresh citrus make up the bulk of this nectar like beer, with juicy notes and a low bitterness clearing the way for another glass. read more kosmos, a fruity neipa and part of the phjala core range phjala call the kosmos as intergalactic ipa, but you can also call it with a clear conscience as a new england ipa. large amounts of citra and mosaic provide the appropriate juiciness. these hops give the beer exotic notes of papaya, pineapple and passion fruit.
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