Crosman benjamin trail np er en topkvalitets luftpistol i den amerikanske luftvåben producent topsire benjamin, hvor det hverken er sparet på kvalitet, funktioner eller teknologier. pistolen udskiller sig særligt ved at anvende samme nitro piston gas ram teknologi som man normalt kun ser i crosmans luftgevær. benjamin np trail is like a poor manx27s marauder power on a budget. it doesnx27t cost as much, but still packs a bigger punch than a co2 pistol. letx27s take a closer look. benjamin trail is a highpowered, breakbarrel, singleloading pellet air pistol. this means two things you can only fire one pellet at a time send pellets screaming downrange with the benjamin trail mark ii air pistol using crosmans patented nitro piston technology, this breakbarrel really puts a spin on your pellets ideal for plinking and target shooting, the trail mark ii can send pellets downrange at speeds up to 650 fps. the allweather synthetic frame makes this pistol a ... the benjamin trail np pistol features and outstanding 600 feet per second velocity powered by nitro piston. this smooth break action pistol comes with a cocking aid, so you can have the power of a heavy duty piston, without the struggle of cocking it. benjamin trail np air pistol failin this video
i discuss some of the issues ix27m having with the benjamin trail np air pistol. facebook page ... the benjamin marauder pcp air pistol. it shoots .22 caliber pellets at 700 fps and alloy pellets at over 800 fps. buy at now lets discuss the various types of air pistols. most powerful break barrel air pistols. the most powerful break barrel air pistols are the benjamin trail np pistol and the browning 800 express. pistol fitting the gasram into a pistol was of course the logical next step, and whilst other manufacturers have now entered this market sector, such as gamo with their p900 igt, crosman claim this benjamin trail np is the worlds first nitro piston breakbarrel pistol to utilize the system. complete your backyard shooting gallery with the benjamin trail mark ii trail pistol with crosmans nitro piston technology the mark ii really puts a spin on your pellets this pistol is built for backyard plinking and target shooting and can send pellets downrange at speeds up to 650 fps. easily acquire a bead on your target with the fiber ... benjamin trail np pistol fix. i bought it reconditioned for 50. i put reconditioned in quotes, because the tech at crosman obviously didnt notice that it varied high and low pretty badly. i noticed
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